I went from broke and burned out ,to multiple six figures a year in photography revenue.

This is my story.

When I started my studio 19 years ago I just really liked photography.

So many photographers start out this way. They love the creative art of being a photographer, but quickly find out that having a photography business is a whole other ballgame.

I remember sitting in my home office one night and my daughter who was 4 at the time told me, “Momma, I hate your pictures.” and I”ll be honest, there was a lot of tension in my marriage too. I wanted this to work so badly, but it was coming at the expense of my family and marriage.

I was trapped. I was scared to make changes and keep searching for the solutions… how could I be better at photography sales? I needed to improve my in-person sales techniques. I needed fancier websites and better brochures.

Truthfully, I didn’t have a problem finding clients. My problem was not charging this abundance of clients enough. I was needing to take on too many clients to meet my goals. It was a constant cycle of feast or famine. I wasn’t doing a good job at home and I wasn’t doing a good job at the studio, but I was scared to charge more money thinking I wouldn’t have clients.

Does that sound familiar?

What I learned is that I had some really deep seated money and scarcity blocks I had to heal. I was able to identify them, heal them, and my entire life changed.

 One ad campaign netted Monica an entire year's worth of clients and $425k in revenue.

"I hired Shalista to help with designing and implementing a marketing campaign. She is amazing to work with and I t was by far the most successful campaign I’ve had to date. I will certainly work with her again!"